Why are we eating pancakes tomorrow?


Hello everyone,

It’s unseasonably warm today. 17 degrees! I’m enjoying the change from the cold weather we usually have in February. It won’t be long until spring! Then, we can look forward to warmer weather and cherry blossoms. We have something else to look forward to this week. It’s Japan’s favorite birthday, the emperor’s birthday! It’s such a special day that we get a national holiday. I think I’m working on my own birthday, but I’m glad to celebrate the emperor’s birthday this Thursday. It changed from December 23rd a few years ago when the new Emperor, Naruhito, took over. It isn’t the only holiday that celebrates a birthday. Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birthday, for example. However, the Irish holiday, Saint Patrick’s Day, is celebrated on the date he died. There is also a holiday in Ireland for the date Jesus died, which is called “Good Friday”. It takes place two days before Easter Sunday, usually in April. Until 2018, there was an interesting law on this day. It was the only day of the year when shops and bars couldn’t sell alcohol. So, shops all over Ireland had to put away their alcoholic drinks, and the bars all closed for the day. That rule was set up in 1927, when the Catholic church had a lot of power in the country. In 2018, people decided it was a strange law to have, so they got rid of it. A few weeks before that, we have pancake Tuesday, which is tomorrow! People all over the world eat pancakes, because the next day is the start of “Lent”, which is a 40 day period of giving up something you enjoy. It could be anything, such as chocolate, or coffee. People do this to show their willpower until Easter. I’m not religious, but when I was young, I was asked to give something up for lent. I always chose a food I didn’t really like anyway. It made to 40 days go by very easily! What national traditions do you follow?


Hello everyone,

It’s unseasonably warm today. 17 degrees! I’m enjoying the change from the cold weather we usually have in February. It won’t be long until spring! Then, we can look forward to warmer weather and cherry blossoms. We have something else to look forward to this week. It’s Japan’s favorite birthday, the emperor’s birthday! It’s such a special day that we get a national holiday. I think I’m working on my own birthday, but I’m glad to celebrate the emperor’s birthday this Thursday. It changed from December 23rd a few years ago when the new Emperor, Naruhito, took over. It isn’t the only holiday that celebrates a birthday. Christmas celebrates Jesus’ birthday, for example. However, the Irish holiday, Saint Patrick’s Day, is celebrated on the date he died. There is also a holiday in Ireland for the date Jesus died, which is called “Good Friday”. It takes place two days before Easter Sunday, usually in April. Until 2018, there was an interesting law on this day. It was the only day of the year when shops and bars couldn’t sell alcohol. So, shops all over Ireland had to put away their alcoholic drinks, and the bars all closed for the day. That rule was set up in 1927, when the Catholic church had a lot of power in the country. In 2018, people decided it was a strange law to have, so they got rid of it. A few weeks before that, we have pancake Tuesday, which is tomorrow! People all over the world eat pancakes, because the next day is the start of “Lent”, which is a 40 day period of giving up something you enjoy. It could be anything, such as chocolate, or coffee. People do this to show their willpower until Easter. I’m not religious, but when I was young, I was asked to give something up for lent. I always chose a food I didn’t really like anyway. It made to 40 days go by very easily! What national traditions do you follow?



















そして、イエスが死んだ日の祝日はもう一つあって”Good Friday”(良い金曜日)と言います。






























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