
カテゴリー:English Diary

こんにちは、坂本です 今週は曇りや雨の日が多いですね… いよいよ私の一番嫌いな季節、梅雨がやってきます… 綺麗な紫陽花を見ることができる分には、好きなんですが… 梅雨を乗り越えれば、大好きな夏が待っているので、頑張ります     さて今週末はいよいよ英検です 今週は英検前最後の1週間なので、受験者たちは英検対策に来て 一生懸命勉強をしていました 対策中にどんどん点数が伸びている生徒さんもおり、本番が楽しみです。 3級以上に関しては、やはり髙い単語力や読解力なども必要とされるので、 苦戦している生… 
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Hello Everyone, I hope you all are enjoying the warmer weather this week and will spend some time catching some sunshine. I for one am looking forward to getting outside more for some hiking and cycling! I’ve always loved getting on my bicycle and exploring my city of Toronto and its many park… 
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Week!

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone, Happy Saint Patrick's week! It falls on Saturday this weekend, so we are celebrating the big day all week here at Hario. There are plenty of green decorations everywhere you look. You'll notice green clovers, which are called shamrocks all over the place. Why are shamrocks and Sai… 
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Cherry Blossoms 花見

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello Everyone, With spring just around the corner that means it’s time to get outside and enjoy the beauty that comes with the warmer weather. If you aren’t stricken with hay fever, then you can go out and enjoy some of the many cherry blossom festivals around Japan. During my first trip to J… 
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Hello everyone,The 2018 Winter Olympics are now over and it was a great success for both Team Canada and Japan. Japan placed 12th in total medals, narrowly missing a few golds and bronze medals is some very close competitions such as the men’s freestyle snowboarding. Canada ended up having their bes… 
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Hello everyone,It's almost March, and spring is in the air! It's getting warmer this week and I can feel the season changing. Ireland isn't so lucky, however. A status orange warning, the second highest level, has been given for the east of Ireland because the temperatures are going to drop so low. … 
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カテゴリー:English Diary

こんにちは、坂本です今週末はいよいよ英検の2次試験となります。受験する生徒さんたちは、頑張ってくださいねまだ3日残っているので、教本を使って練習しましょう  さて今週から春の入会キャンペーンがスタートしましたたくさんの新しい生徒さんたちに会えてとても嬉しいです初めての場所や先生たちで、みなさんとても緊張しているようですが、レッスンが終わった後には、みんな笑顔で「楽しかった」と言ってくれました。見学にいらっしゃった保護者様たちも、PLSクラス・幼児クラスでの、テンポの速さや内容の濃さに驚かれていました初めは緊張していた生徒さんも、クラスでのアクティビティに集中しており、徐々に… 
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Hello everyone,With spring quickly approaching it is a very special time for us fans of a very special sport, baseball! Right now pitchers and catchers are reporting in for their preseason training and exhibition games will begin soon in America and Japan. I was lucky enough to grow up during the ti… 
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Valentine’s and White Days

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,Did you get any chocolates last Wednesday? It was Valentine's Day, and there are a few differences between Japan and the rest of the World. Here, the boys and men get chocolates from girls and women, whereas in other countries usually men give a card or gifts to their partner. They us… 
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