The Sound of Summer is Coming


Hello everyone,

Are you tired of all the rain yet? Don’t worry, the rainy season is almost over. Summer will begin next week, and we might hear a familiar sound. What’s that noise? Soon, the cicadas will start chirping all over Japan. The height of summer here comes with the loud noise of cicadas on every tree. If you get close to one it’s really quite deafening. Did you know that they aren’t annoyed by their own sound because they can turn off their own hearing? Sometimes they hang out just outside my house, and I have to close the window just to hear the TV! They aren’t here yet, but at this time of year we begin to anticipate their arrival. The first time I saw one it was quite scary, like a fly but ten times bigger. I was surprised to see kids trying to catch them in the park. They jump around a tree with a net and collect as many as they can. I’m not a fan of insects, so I don’t think I’ll start that hobby. They also leave a spooky shell behind when they shed their skin. You’ll hear a loud crack when you step on it. But I soon realised they don’t come near people or into houses, so unless you climb a tree they won’t bother you. There aren’t any cicadas in Ireland. However, in summer you can sometimes here some crickets at night. They aren’t nearly as big or loud as cicadas though. Like them or hate them the cicadas or a special part of summer here in Japan. It wouldn’t be summer without their distinctive sound. The last songs can be heard in September, and then we know autumn is coming. When will we hear the first chirps this summer I wonder?











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