Spring (and Pollen) is in the Air!


Hello everyone,

The schools all over Japan stay closed this week as the Corona virus spreads all over the world. I wonder when it will begin to decline. The main reason for its spread is the sheer contagiousness of the virus. It spreads so easily from person to person, and they don’t even know they have the virus for up to 2 weeks. This makes it almost impossible to detect when people first catch the virus. Italy has a major outbreak at the moment. It’s a huge hub for tourists all over the world. Irish people picked up the virus while they were on a trip to Italy. That’s why there are a few people with the virus in Ireland now. We live in a generation where people can travel from country to country quickly and affordably. This has really helped the spread of the virus and made it a worldwide pandemic in just a few weeks. It shows just how fast one little thing can make it around the world. Many events are cancelled due to the outbreak. For example, the rugby six nations tournament is going on at the moment. Ireland’s next match is against Italy, but the game has been postponed, and nobody is sure when it can be played now. I hope the Olympics is safe. We will have to wait and see.

A lot of people are suffering from hay fever recently. Spring has brought a lot of pollen into the air. The main culprit are cedar and cypress trees. Japan’s government planted them 50 years ago to make wood for houses. These days, houses are made from different materials, so there are too many trees growing. The pollen they release makes hay fever a much more common allergy in Japan. I see masks and goggles being worn to protect people. Stay safe out there.

















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