Hello everyone,

I hope you had an enjoyable break yesterday for Foundation Day. It was great to have a relaxing long weekend. Have you been following the Winter Olympics so far? I watched the women’s ski jump last night and the last three jumps determined who won the gold, silver and bronze medals. Japan’s most famous ski jumper Sara Takanashi won the bronze, and she was in first place until the final two jumpers overtook her at the end. Her bronze medal brings Japan’s tally to 2 bronze and 1 silver so far. Not bad for the opening weekend. Good luck to them in winning more medals this week. Ireland has five athletes at this Winter Olympics and has never won a medal. It’s difficult to win a medal when winter sports isn’t practiced in our home country. Most of their athletes were born or live in other countries and have Irish parents. Ireland’s snowboarder, for example, grew up in California. Let’s win Ireland’s first Winter Olympics medal!

The Olympics has been overshadowed by politics this year. Kim Jong Un’s sister has travelled to the games as an ambassador for North Korea. This has been good for the relations between North and South Korea. Today Kim Jong Un released a statement thanking the South for hosting the Olympics. I hope that this can lead to further reconciliations in the future, and a more peaceful time. The two Koreas never formally signed a peace treaty so are still technically at war. It’s great how sports can bring us together and promote peace. The unified ice hockey team was something people couldn’t imagine a few years ago, when the nations were showing hostility and threatening war. Here’s to a peaceful future in Korea. I’m looking forward to the rest of the games!















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