Summer Holidays 夏休み

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

How are you doing? Hario stared it’s weekday summer classes today. It’s nice to see students studying hard. Alan and I are teaching special one-on-one classes during the day. It’s nice to teach different students and teach different content from the usual curriculum. Thank you to all the students who signed up for those classes. 

Speech homework has started. It can be tough at first with all those new words to learn, but I know you all can do it. I’m always impressed every year with the students speeches in October and how much they improve over the course of the homework.

   Most schools have started breaking up for summer holidays. I hope you enjoy your break and do something fun with your free time, maybe a trip or seeing family and friends. Summer holidays in the UK are longer, 7 weeks for most schools. They are even longer in the USA. They can be almost three months and there is a tradition of summer camps; like a longer version of the English camp we run. Students in Japan tend to have more to do in the summer holidays. In the UK, there is usally a complete break from school for most students. However, in Japan, many students go to club activities most days or have study to do. Some people say that summer holidays in the UK and USA are too long and students forget a lot and have to spend September catching up and warming your brain back up. There is a good word in Japanese for this, 休みボケ, yasumi boke, which means feeling sluggish after a few days off. I don’t think there’s a direct translation into English but something like sleepy brained is close. Other people say Japanese summer holidays aren’t long enough and with school activities going on it isn’t really a holiday. I don’t know what the correct length of school summer holidays should be exactly; it’s a matter of opinion. But I think it’s important that everyone has a balance of work, rest and play in their lives. If you can make your study fun then work feels like play. That’s one reason why we use games in class.

 Enjoy your summer holidays. Thanks for reading,








多くの学校では夏休みが始まっているようです。この夏休み、楽しんでくださいね。イギリスでの夏休みは日本の夏休みより長いです。だいたいが7週間くらいあります。さらにアメリカではもっと長く、3ヶ月ほどあり、私達が行っているイングリッシュキャンプの長いものでサマーキャンプというものもあります。日本の学生は夏休みにやることが沢山ある様に思います。イギリスではほとんど生徒は学校から完全に離れ、休みに入ります。しかし日本の多くの学生は部活動に行ったり、課題をやったりしています。中にはイギリスやアメリカの夏休みは長すて生徒たちはいろいろな事を忘れるので、9月はその復習や脳の活性化に費やさなければいけないと言う人たちもいます。日本語でいうところの”休みボケ”がこれにぴったりです。英語訳ではあるかどうかわかりませんが、”sleepy brain””眠たい脳”なんかが近いような気がします。またある人は逆に学校行事がある日本の夏休みは十分な長さではなく、本当の休みではないと言う人もいます。でれくらいの長さが一番適切かわかりませんが、人それぞれの考えなんでしょう。しかし私は一番大事なことは仕事や勉強と遊びや休憩のバランスだと考えます。もし勉強を遊ぶのと同じぐらい楽しめれば、「勉強している」というストレスは受けないでしょう。 これが私達がクゲームを使いながら教える理由のひとつです。









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