
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

Are you looking forward to Golden Week? Next week the long public holiday begins and people travel all over Japan and abroad. I’ll be doing a bit of travelling too. I won’t be going too far though. I’ll head over to Tokyo on May 2nd to meet some friends from Ireland. They are taking a holiday over here for a couple of weeks. I haven’t seen them in a long time so I’m really looking forward to catching up. We are going to see a few sights around Tokyo and then head back to Fuji together. Our city may not be as lively and cool as Tokyo, but there are still some great attractions around here and many places to have fun. It’s going to be a fun week! My friends who are visiting here are from Ireland, but interestingly, they don’t live there anymore. Many people in Ireland have emigrated from the country. Some people I know have moved away to larger cities such as London, Toronto, Melbourne, and Hong Kong among others. While my city, Dublin is quite big (around 1 million), people are attracted by the fine weather and large, exciting cities in other countries around the world. The Irish have always had a tendency to emigrate, especially about ten years ago when a recession hit the country and it was difficult for people to find jobs. Now the Irish economy is getting stronger, but we still like to travel around the world. Just take a trip anywhere abroad and you’re bound to find some Irish people.

Have a great Golden Week everyone! See you after the break when we get ready for Hario Camp 2017 in May!
















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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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