
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

How are you doing? It’s a busy period at the moment. The weather is changing and I’ve been enjoying the start of spring. Last weekend was the 6th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. We musn’t forget about it or the ongoing impact it’s having in Fukushima and the Tohoku region.

Yesterday was White Day. I remembered the lovely chocolates I received a month ago for Valentine’s day and gave some back in return. I tried to make Union Jack cookies but I’m not so artisic so they didn’t come out great. Anyway, thank you to those students.

Yesterday was also Pi (π) Day. The number pi π (the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle) is 3.141592………….. so the first three digits are 314 or March 14th. I have a pi π tie so I’ll wear it all this week.

This Friday is Saint Patrick’s Day, the Irish national day. Hario has 1 and a half Irish teachers (my mother is Irish and Alan is Irish) so we will celebrate by wearing green and learning about Irish culture in some classes. Let me tell you some Irish expressions. Instead of saying, ‘How are you?’ and ‘I’m fine’, you can say, ‘What’s the craic?’ and ‘I’m grand’.

 As well as all of those events, this week see’s graduation ceremonies and the start of the spring holidays. We have been getting many phone calls this week from students with news about their high school and university entrance exams. One significant result is that a recent Hario graduate will be going to the prestigious T University this year. Congratulations to that student and to everyone else who has passed. Those successes were hard earned and well deserved.

Have a great week everyone and enjoy the start of spring and the holidays. If you’re coming on Friday, remember to wear something green. Thanks for reading.







そして今週金曜日はアイルランドの祝日、セントパトリックッスデーです。HARIOには1人のアイルランド人とハーフアイルランド人がいます。(アラン先生がアイルランド人で、私の母はアイルランド人です)。なのでクラスではアイルランドについて学んだり、緑のものを身につけお祝いをします。ここで1つアイルランドの表現をお教えします。”How are you?”と”I’m fine”のかわりに”What’s the craig?”(How are you?)と”I’m grand”(I’m fine)と言うことができます。











富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp