
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,


Did you celebrate the Doll Festival last Friday? On March 3rd people all over Japan put special hina dolls on display. The dolls represent the Emperor and Empress in traditional clothes. It’s also known as Girl’s Day because there is a Boy’s Day in May. People usually take the dolls down immediately after the festival because superstition says that leaving the dolls past March 4th will result in a late marriage for the daughter! Have you put the dolls away yet? I’m always amazed at how old some Japanese customs are. The Doll Festival, for example, dates back to the Heian period. That’s about 1,000 years ago! It was originally intended to ward off evil spirits. We did that last month with Bean Throwing Day or “Setsubun”, where beans are thrown to ward off the evil “Oni” monsters. I have seen people dressed as demons terrify kids on this day. Some ancient Irish customs have the similar origins. For example Halloween comes from the belief of dead spirits coming back. Whatever customs you celebrate, have fun!


If you’ve visited Hario this week you will have noticed it’s very green in here. What’s with all of the green decorations? There are clovers everywhere! Actually, they are called shamrocks, a kind of clover found in Ireland. The reason for the Irish flags and green decorations is because Saint Patrick’s Day is next week. Make sure you wear something green on Friday March 17th to celebrate in style.

See you then.
















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