British English イギリス英語

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

 Welcome back after Silver Week. I hope you could do something fun or have a little free time. It’s a shame about the weather. I hope the typhoon season finishes soon.

I was teaching one of my adult classes and we were talking about what storey we work on. Hario’s classrooms are on the second floor or storey of our building. One of my students was confused because I wrote it ‘storey’. It turns out the British English spelling is ‘storey’ and the American English spelling is ‘story’. A quick check in the dictionary and we all learnt something new. It made me think. There are many words which are different in American English and British English, as well as different spellings and different pronunciations as well. When I teach the letter ‘Z’ and ‘zebra’ I’m always careful to teach both pronunciations. I say petrol station but in North America the word is gasoline stand. Tap and faucet are another example.

There are many varieties of English. People refer to standard English as North American English as it’s

the most widely used. As well as British English, the English spoken by natives in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland, the Carribean as well as second language speakers of English all have their own dialects, accents and favoured words. However, they all share enough in common that whatever kind of English you speak, you will be able to communicate with another English speaker, whomever they may be. You could view this as annoying extra information you have to learn but I find it interesting. People’s dialects are part of their background and personality. In the same way, it’s always interesting to hear the Nagano dialect of Japanese when I go and visit family and friends there. As an English teacher, I’ll continue to try to teach different versions of words because English is a global language!

Thanks for reading. Let me use a British English way of saying goodbye – Cheerio!





私が大人の方のクラスの授業中に、ビルの何階で働いているかという話題になりました。HARIOの教室は2階にあります。授業中に皆さん私が”storey(階)”と書いた為に困惑されていました。そこでイギリス英語では上記の様に書くのですが、アメリカ英語では”story”と書く事がわかりました。すぐに辞書で調べ、新しいことを学びましたニコニコ発音が違うのと同様に、アメリカ英語とイギリス英語ではスペルも違う単語が沢山あると再認識させられました。私は”z”や”zebra(シマウマ)”を教えるときにいつも2つの発音で教えることを気を付けています。ガソリンスタンドも私は”petrol station”と言いますがアメリカでは”gasoline stand”と言います。蛇口も同じように違った表現をしますビックリマーク










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