New Year’s Resolution



So since the start of the New Year, I have been thinking about my goals for this year. In the UK we call them New Year’s resolutions, which is a tradition where a person might want to continue good practiices, change an undesired trait or behaviour, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. 


新年が始まり、私は今年の目標を何にしようかと考えています。イギリスでは、”New Year’s resolutions” (新年の決意)を決めるのが習わしで、例えば何かをやり遂げるとか、何か習慣をつける、または悪い習慣を辞めるとか、目標を決めるなどいろいろあるのですが。

For me I really want to improve my Japanese. I can speak a little Japanese and maybe hold a very simple conversation. However compared to many other people I know who live in Japan, my language ability is very poor. So one of my aims for this year is to study more Japanese and try to use it only a daily basis. Another goal for me this year involves traveling. This year I want to visit one of the seven wonders of the world. So later this year, I am planning a trip to Beijing to visit the Great Wall of China. Another goal I have this year, is to improve my health. I am not a very healthy person, I eat a lot of junk food and I drink a lot of unhealthy drinks. So I would like to be more healthy this year and to accomplish this goal, I am going to try cooking healthier meals and exercising more. My final new years goal is to be more environmentally friendly. Recently there have been many natural disasters around the world caused by global warming. For example in Australia we have the bushfires which have been destroying large parts of Australia. So I this year I will aim to be more environmentally friendly and do my part in trying to prevent global warming. 

How about you ? what is your New Year’s Resolution ? 

By Sean 









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