How was Golden Week?


Hello everyone,

How was Golden Week? I hope you had a relaxing holiday. It feels like the weather is getting hotter now. There are a few customs that my family in Japan take part in every year. First, we took the opportunity to do “koromogae” during the break. This is the process of taking out cool summer clothes and blankets, and putting away the warm winter ones. We also took the kotatsu out from our living room table. Now, the house feels a little cooler, but I think we’ll need to use the air conditioner quite soon. We also visited the cemetery and the graves of my family’s relatives. In Ireland, most people are buried, so there is usually one headstone per person. In Japan, however, there is one big headstone for an entire family. People are cremated here, so they don’t need space at the cemetery. When someone in the family passes away, a wooden board with their name is added to the grave. Another thing we do every year is have a big family dinner when my wife’s relatives come to visit us. Does your family have any annual customs or traditions in Golden week? To finish off the holiday we visited the Fujinomiya horseback archery festival on Sunday. I had been to this festival before, but I always missed the horseback archery. This time, I was lucky enough to see it. The horse runs down a lane lined with spectators and the rider shoots an arrow into a target. I was surprised to see people lined up near the target. There were only a few meters around the target where people couldn’t stand. But just beyond that, many people were stood nearby to watch. I would be too scared to go near the target. We don’t know how accurate the archers are! I hope you enjoyed the holiday.














静岡県富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~21:30   祝日)土、日




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