New Halloween Party!

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

  How are you? If you read the previous few blogs, you’ll know it was the 4th anniversary of Hario English School last week. We ate a lovely barbeque meal to celebrate. I hope there are many more Hario anniversaries to celebrate. Also, Yui’s birthday was on Monday. Congratulations and Many Happy Returns! Our autumn campaign has started. We’ve already taught a few new trial students. It’s great to meet new faces who are interested in English and our school. Please get in touch if you’re interested.


みなさん、お元気ですか。今週のいくつかのブログにもありましたが、先週の金曜日はHARIOの4回目の誕生日でした。お祝いに、皆でおいしい夕食を食べにいきました。これからもずっとHARIOの~ 周年を祝えますように。また、月曜日はユイの誕生日でした。たくさんのハッピーが訪れますようにキラキラ



 Next month is October and we will celebrate Halloween, as we do every year. But, this year our Halloween event will be a bigger event than usual. What we’ve done usually is to have everyone dress in Halloween costumes and give candy to students who say, ‘Trick or Treat!’. The costumes are always great and it’s a lot of fun but we usually don’t spend a lot of class time on Halloween activities. It seems a shame for people to go to a lot of trouble to get a good Halloween costume and to have mostly a normal class. So that’s why this year we will have special Halloween party classes for those students in PLS and kindergarten classes. 


You can read the newsletter for full details but it will be a one hour class for younger students and one and a half hours for older students. We will have lots of special, fun, Halloween activities, each with an English element to them so you’re still learning! I don’t want to spoil any surprises so I won’t say any more. We’re excited to do this and we hope it goes well and becomes an annual event. I’ve got to think of a costume now! What will you be this you for your Halloween costume?


Thanks for reading. Have a great week.




HARIOでは毎年、10月にハロウィンパーティを行っていますハロウィン。今年ももちろんありますが、今年はより盛大にパーティを行う予定です。これまでは、それぞれのクラスにコスチュームを身に着けて参加し、Trick or Treat!というとお菓子がもらえました。毎年、生徒さんのすてきな衣装をみるのが楽しみでしたが、クラスの中では通常のクラスが主でハロウィンのゲームは少ししか行いませんでした。もう少し、ハロウィンのゲームや歌、アクティビティーをやれればなーということで、今年は、通常のクラスをハロウィンパーティに変えて行おうと思います。(幼児&PLSクラスのみ)













富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

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