Make a Wish


Hello everyone,

Well you can really see why they call it the rainy season. Heavy rain has been falling for the last few days across Japan. Kyushu has been the worst affected, with the most rain in 50 years. There have been heavy showers all week here in Fuji. I’m looking forward to the end of the rainy season in one or two weeks. It still rains in summer, but not as often. That’s not the only severe weather recently. There was a heat wave in Europe last week, where the temperature in Finland went over 30 degrees. That’s up in the Arctic Circle! It’s very unusual to have hot weather so far north. Who knows what the summer in Japan will bring next?

Today is a special day in Japan. July 7th is the “Star Festival” or “Tanabata”. It’s a day where people make a wish, write it on a piece of paper and tie it to a bamboo tree. The bamboo and decorations are often set afloat on a river or burned after the festival, around midnight or on the next day. This festival dates back to 755AD, so it’s a very old tradition. All over Japan, you can find these trees with wishes written all over them. Usually you can see children’s future dreams written on them, but this year I noticed that most of them wished for an end to the corona virus. I hope their wishes come true as soon as possible.

There is another holiday this month that was originally made for the opening of the Olympics. Sport’s Day was moved from October to July 24th, after Marine Day on July 23rd. The two holidays together was to coincide with the opening ceremony. Sadly the Olympics were postponed to next year, but the new holiday dates stay as they were planned. So there’s an extra-long weekend in July.













富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


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