It’s Time to Start Learning your Speech


Hello everyone,

It’s getting more humid every week now. Soon the rainy season will begin, and it’s on to the hot, humid summer. Usually summer in Japan is a time for festivals. I wonder if any will be held this year. It’s an ancient tradition, but with the corona virus pandemic, people are warned against meeting in large groups. We will have to wait and see the situation over the summer months.

We have something special to give our students this week. Do you know what it is? That’s right, we are giving out the speech homework! They have been waiting for this since they handed in their composition. So now, all of the speeches have been translated, recorded and put on CDs. It’s time to start studying. Every week until the end of October, we will check their progress. It’s amazing how much they can improve in the course of 5 months. Many of our students work very hard and practice over and over at home. There are some very entertaining speeches written this year, so I’m really looking forward to hearing them from the kids. Next week will be the first time they recite their speech. For a lucky few, the last time they recite it will be on stage in Rose Theater in front of a big audience. There is a long road ahead to November, but it’s a big achievement for them. Learning a speech in another language takes time and hard work. So whether they go to the contest or not, they will still have achieved a big milestone in their English ability. Good luck everyone!













富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp
