How many times have you climbed Mount Fuji?


Hello everyone,

As we begin the second week of August, the Obon week holiday is on the way. It begins this Friday with “mountain day”, which is quite a new holiday. It was first announced in 2014 and first celebrated in 2016. It occurs every 11 August and is meant to honour the mountainous terrain and ecosystems of Japan’s islands and the ancient cultural traditions that are connected with that geography. If you go to Ireland, you can see rolling hills and small mountains, but they aren’t very steep. Japan, on the other hand, has very jagged terrain. The hills and mountains are a lot steeper than you would find in most of Europe. That’s why people who live near steep hills need to be very careful during heavy rain and typhoons. They can cause landslides, which I have seen on the news many times. Landslides such as these never happen in Ireland because, even after a lot of rain, the hills aren’t steep enough to fall. Japan has many beautiful mountains and we are lucky enough to be at the foot of its tallest here in Fuji. Ireland’s highest mountain, with the catchy name “Carrauntoohill”, stands at 1,038 meters. So, you can imagine how impressed I was when I first saw Mount Fuji. I came straight to Fuji City on my first trip to Japan 12 years ago. I arrived in the evening and I remember stepping outside the next morning and being blown away when I first saw Mt. Fuji. I climbed it when I first moved to Japan two years later. It was an exhausting overnight climb, and we reached the summit at about 5:30AM and watch the sun rise over the clouds. It was an unforgettable experience, but I’m not sure if I want to do it again. There is a saying, ” climbing Mt. Fuji once is a good idea, climbing it twice is a crazy idea.” I don’t know if this saying is true or if someone made it up and told me. I think it will be a few years before I can think about climbing Mt. Fuji again. Have you done it? Enjoy the Obon holiday!







2014 年に初めて発表され、2016 年に初めて祝われました。毎年 8 月 11 日に開催され、日本の島々の山岳地形と生態系、そしてその地理に関連する古代の文化的伝統を讃えることを目的としています。 アイルランドに行くと、なだらかな丘や小さな山を見ることができますが、それほど険しいものではありません。 一方、日本の地形は非常にギザギザしています。


アイルランドではこのような土砂崩れは決して起こりません、というのもたとえ大雨が降った後でも、丘はそれほど急ではないからです。 日本には美しい山がたくさんありますが、ここ富士では、最も高い山のふもとにいることができて幸運です。

「カラントーヒル」というキャッチーな名前を持つアイルランドの最高峰は、標高 1,038 メートルです。 初めて富士山を見たとき、私がどれほど感動したかご想像いただけると思います。 12年前、初めての日本旅行で富士市にきました。


2年後、初めて日本に来たときに登りました。 それは疲れる登山でしたが、午前 5 時 30 分頃に頂上に到着し、雲から昇る太陽を眺めました。 忘れられない経験でしたが、もう一度やりたいかどうかはわかりません。











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MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

