Happy Marine Day!

カテゴリー:English Diary


Hello everyone,

Tanabata took place last week! Did you make a wish and put it on a bamboo tree? I saw a big tree in Koryu Plaza last weekend. There were many interesting wishes tied to it and all the paper made it very colourful. I asked some of our students and they want good test scores this year. I think that’s the kind of wish that you can make come true by yourself. Dedication and hard work is all you need to get the results you want.







There’s a public holiday next Monday called “Umi no hi” or “Marine Day”. The third Monday of July celebrates the ocean and signifies its importance to Japan as an island nation. Seafood is a lot more prevalent here than most other countries I’ve been to. There are so many kinds of fish and plants from the sea that I would have never tried if I didn’t live here. For example I recently tried sea grapes. I had never even heard of them before. They are a kind of seaweed with little bubbles on the stem, making them look like little bunches of green grapes. The bubbles burst in your mouth, which is refreshing on a hot day. Sushi restaurants are becoming quite popular in Ireland, but the selection is quite different. Irish sushi restaurants only serve the more popular, “safe” sushi dishes like tuna or salmon. In Japanese restaurants I found many new kinds of sushi, like sea urchin or “uni”. It wasn’t to my liking, but it’s always good to try new things! Japan has a great relationship with the ocean and makes the best seafood in the world. Happy Marine Day everyone!













富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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