Getting back to Normal


Hello everyone,

We’re back to normal here at Hario this week. Our online classes have finished and now our students are coming in to have classes in person like before. It’s been a while since we have seen them face to face so it’s a happy reunion to see them all again. There are so many differences between online and face to face classes. I prefer having the students in the room so we can have more active learning. Welcome back everyone! Schools all over Japan are open again this week too. I hope our students enjoy their new school grade after the false start in April. Some of them only had one day of their new school year before the schools all closed! So now they can try and get back to regular school life. It’s amazing to think they had two months to stay home and study by themselves. It takes a lot of motivation and self-discipline to stick to a schedule like that. There are so many distractions at home. Irish students will have had a total of six months off when they return to school in September! That’s half a year. I hope they can get back to the school routine then.

We’re busy preparing the speech homework this week. Next week, our student’s will receive their new speech homework pack! We have recorded the speeches, and I have really enjoyed reading them and seeing life from our students’ point of view. There are some really interesting and funny ones in there, so I can’t wait to get started. Only a lucky few will go to the contest in November, so it’s time to get motivated!














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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp
