English Christmas Customs


Hello Everyone!



In the UK、we have some unique Christmas customs here are a few:

イギリスには、クリスマスの面白い習慣がいくつかあります。そのいくつかを今日は紹介しますね クリスマスベルクリスマスベルクリスマスベル


Boxing Day

Boxing Day is a public holiday in the UK on the day directly after Christmas. There are many theories of how this day began, but it is widely thought of as a holiday created for tradesmen on which they received a “Box” or a gift. But these days it’s widely used as a day to travel, visit relatives, and the start of the post-Christmas shopping sales.


プレゼント ボクシング・デー プレゼント



Putting a silver coin in the Christmas pudding 

Christmas pudding is a type of fruit pudding served during Christmas dinner. It has been around since the 14th Century and is made with raisins, currents, prunes, wines, and spices. But one interesting English tradition is to place a silver coin in the pudding, which is said to bring good luck to whoever finds it.


お祝いケーキ クリスマスプディングに銀貨を入れる お祝いケーキ


Pulling Christmas crackers

At Christmas dinner in the UK, a cracker is placed at each table place. And when pulled they make a snap sound. Inside the cracker, it is common to find a small toy, a paper party hat, and a very poor joke written on a small piece of paper.


クラッカー クリスマス・クラッカーを引っ張り合いっこ クラッカー


Eating Mince pies

Mince pies are small pastries filled with currants and dried fruits with various herbs and spices. Although the pie is described as mincemeat it contains no meat at all!


クッキー ミンスパイを食べる クッキー


アラン モリス

Alan Morris







富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp
