Do you like birds?

カテゴリー:English Diary


Hello everyone,

As you can see, the rainy season has well and truly started now. It kicked off with a bang with some heavy rain last Wednesday. Luckily I haven’t been caught out in the rain yet, but there’s still plenty of time left! I went to Asagiri on Sunday and I can see how it got that name. It was very misty and I couldn’t see far ahead of me. That made driving scary! It was worth the drive, however, when we reached Fuji Kachoen Flower and Owl Park. It’s a great place to go out with the family and interact with many kinds of birds. They had a great bird show with owls and falcons flying around us, catching food. They are well trained and you think they are going to fly straight into you, but they turn out of the way at the last second. Everybody jumped when the huge owl flew into the audience. They have other birds too, such as emus, black swans, parrots, ducks and my daughter’s favourite, penguins. There are also many beautiful flowers everywhere you look. I recommend braving Asagiri’s famous mist to visit there sometime.








Here at Hario we are busy putting together the speeches for our students. It’s quite a long process, but it’s worth it to get the best performances from such interesting speeches. I hope they look forward to practicing them.

And finally, good luck to our students who are preparing for the next step in their Eiken test, the interview, over the next two weekends. It can be a nerve-wracking experience, but keep a cool head and give it your best!











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