Hello everyone,

 There’s been some severe weather this week; tornadoes, heavy rain and thunderstorms. I was woken up today at about 6am by thunder and lightning. It was the loudest thunder I’ve ever heard. Anyway, the storm has passed and it’s nice and sunny right now. I hope you haven’t been affected.

 The first week at Hario English School has been busy. We are having an opening campaign. For the next two months you can try 4 free sample lessons and there’s no joining fee. I have a couple of students trying classes today. I hope they like the classes and that we get lots of new students. Over the next few months we will be busy with the Eiken examinations and our annual speech contest. Since we started the transition to Hario English School we have thrown out lots of old stuff and completely renovated the school. That process is coming to an end and I really like the new look. It feels like a new chapter of a good book. Please read along with us.


Have a great September,







今日は雷と雷光で6時に目がさめました。音もこれまでの中で一番大きかったです 😯 。

とにかく、嵐がさって、今はいい天気ですね 😀 。皆さんには影響がありませんでしたか。大丈夫ですか。





よい9月をお過ごしください 😆 。
