What’s your Speech About?


Hello everyone,

It’s July already! It feels very humid now, and the rainy season will be over soon. Summer in Japan doesn’t really start until the rainy season finishes. There are at least five very different seasons here! In Ireland, it feels like there are only two seasons, it’s either cool or cold. Winter has similar temperatures to Fuji, but it rains more often, is darker, and lasts longer in Ireland. Summer in Ireland is a bit like spring in Japan, it gets warmer, but not hot.

Here at Hario, it’s a very exciting week for our students. Why? Because we’re giving out the speech homework! All of the students who wrote speeches will get a CD with the recording of their speech, along with homework sheets and more. I’m sure they can’t wait to take it home and start practicing. It’s a long road to the speech contest in November. Although it’s four months away, the time flies by. Our students should make the most of their time to perfect their performance. I’m really looking forward to hearing them improve over time. It’s a very rewarding experience for everyone. The students will have made a real achievement, and their parents will be very proud of them. For the first time students, it will be a great learning experience on how to stand up and speak to an audience. Many of them have never done this before, and to do it in another language is an excellent feat. Our veteran students in the sixth grade will have their final chance to go to the speech contest, so they will give their all and practice hard to make it memorable. Good luck to you all!










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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp
