What are you Looking Forward to?


Hello everyone,

Are you enjoying the sunny weather today? It was wet for a few days last weekend, so the rainy season is here. It is one of the few times of year when it rains more than in Ireland. Usually Ireland can be rainy at any time of year. There is no rainy season, so it’s unpredictable. In Japan winter is quite dry, but that’s when it rains most often in Ireland. Here in Japan, however summer is the wetter time, so keep your umbrella handy. With the recent pandemic, people have been staying home a lot, so they don’t go out as often. So I suppose it’s okay to rain now.

Recently, most of my trips out of the house have been shopping. We can walk to local parks, but otherwise people have been discouraged from travelling long distances. Many people are looking forward to going on trips again in the future. All long distance trips have to be postponed indefinitely, and most of Japan’s theme parks remain closed. One theme park has asked customers to refrain from screaming on the roller coasters, as this can spread the virus! It’s funny to imagine people sitting quietly as the roller coaster shoots around the track. Actually, the last time I went to Fuji-Q Highland a few years ago, there was a roller coaster so fast I couldn’t make any noise. It’s called “E Janai Ka”, and the g-force was so powerful that I couldn’t push any sound out. I sat silently and tried to remain conscious until the end of the ride. I’m not sure if I enjoyed being flipped upside down so many times, but it was an interesting experience. I’m looking forward to the next time people can travel freely. What are you most looking forward to doing after the pandemic ends?












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