Hello Everyone,

I hope you all are enjoying the warmer weather this week and will spend some time catching some sunshine. I for one am looking forward to getting outside more for some hiking and cycling!

I’ve always loved getting on my bicycle and exploring my city of Toronto and its many parks and waterways. One of the great things about Toronto is that you can be in the centre of a large city but still able to be surrounded by forest and wildlife. In fact the land area of Toronto is over 12% parks and green spaces, almost double the amount found in Tokyo! By 2030 Toronto’s city planners want that percentage to go up to 25%. A very green city indeed.

This Spring and Summer we have plans to hike and cycle all over Japan. Including a trip to Kamakura planned for next month. Though I have been to Kamakura once before, I would love to see its many shrines and gardens in the Spring. Where is your favourite place to enjoy nature in Japan? Find me in class and tell me all about it!

Have fun in the sun!














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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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