Happy Saint Patrick’s Week!

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

Happy Saint Patrick’s week! It falls on Saturday this weekend, so we are celebrating the big day all week here at Hario. There are plenty of green decorations everywhere you look. You’ll notice green clovers, which are called shamrocks all over the place. Why are shamrocks and Saint Patrick such big symbols of Ireland? It all goes back to the 5th century, over 1,500 years ago! St. Patrick was originally from Wales in the U.K. and he was brought to Ireland as a slave where he worked as a shepard for 6 years. He escaped back to the U.K. and became a priest. He later returned to Ireland to spread Christianity to the country. Ireland was mostly a pagan country before Christianity spread there. He used the shamrock to illustrate the idea of three people in one God because there are three leaves on one shamrock. From this story, shamrocks became an important symbol of Irish culture. He is also credited for chasing all of the snakes out of Ireland. There are snakes all over Europe and in the U.K. but they have never been in Ireland. This is why we have the story of St. Patrick chasing them all into the sea one day. March 17th is believed to be the date he died, and has been celebrated for hundreds of years.

This week at Hario we have asked our students to wear something green, which is the tradition on Saint Patrick’s Day. The colour green has been associated with Ireland since at least the 1640s, when a green harp flag was used as a symbol of independence from the U.K. It also appears on the Irish flag and all of our sports teams. It’s considered lucky to wear this colour during the festival. I’m so happy to see our students come to Hario wearing green. It feels like I’m back home in Ireland! We have some fun games in store this week. And we have some cool accessories for our students to wear while they play. I hope you all have fun and enjoy this little piece of Irish culture. I’m hoping to go to the parade in Tokyo this weekend. I’ll let you know more about it next week.

Thanks for reading,





なぜ三つ葉のクローバーとセイント・パトリックスデーはこれほどアイルランドで大きなシンボルになっているのでしょうかはてなマークそれは、ずっとさかのぼること1500年前、5世紀!パトリックさんはもともとイギリスのウェールズ出身でした。イギリスそして、彼はアイルランドに奴隷として連れてこられ、そこで6年間、羊飼いとして働いたのです。彼はイギリスへ逃げ戻り、聖職者になりました。その後キリスト教を広めるためにアイルランドに戻りました。キリスト教が布教する前は、アイルランドはほとんど無宗教の国でした。彼は三つ葉のクローバーを一つの神のもとに3人の人がいるという思想を例えて説明するために用いました。一つの三つ葉のクローバーに葉が3枚あるからです。この話から、三つ葉のクローバーはアイルランド文化の大切なシンボルになったのです。また、アイルランドから全ての蛇を追い払ったのも彼だと言われていますヘビ イギリスやヨーロッパ全土には蛇がいるのですが、アイルランドにはいたことがありません!これがパトリックさんが昔蛇を海へ追い払ったといわれる由縁です。3月17日は彼が亡くなった日とされ、何百年間もお祝いをされています。









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