Hello everyone,

How are you doing this week? We chose students to take part in the speech contest on Friday. It was, as always, a difficult choice to make, as Alan wrote in his blog yesterday. We have people making their debuts after missing out in previous years, and conversely people missing out after being selected in previous years. Good luck to everyone and keep trying hard until the contest. We also have open classes for parents next month when everyone will perform their speech for the class and guests. I look forward to all of those classes. 

I went to my wife’s hometown of Omachi last weekend and took part in the marathon race there. Regular readers might remember my last sporting endeavour was finishing last in my age category in the Fuji City swimming championships. It was my first ever swimming race. I run often so this is more in my wheelhouse. ‘In your wheelhouse’ means something your good at, familiar with or interested in. I fared a little better this time. I ran 10km in 56 minutes and finished 95th out of 300 in my category. I’ve run 10km faster in the past, but I was happy with that. It was lovely running in the Japan Alps with the autumn colours in cool weather and light rain. What do you do for exercise?

Thank you for reading. Have a great week.







先週の金曜日に、スピーチコンテストに出場するスピーチを決定しました。毎年のことですが、この決定がとても難しいのです。出場する生徒の皆さん、本番までさらに磨きをかけ練習をがんばってください。また、来月からミニスピーチコンテストと題して、クラスのお友達や見学にきた保護者の皆さんの前でスピーチを発表する場があります。 それらも楽しみにしています。












富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

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