Do you have Hay Fever?


Hello everyone,

Here’s your reminder that White Day is coming up this weekend. If you got chocolate on Valentine’s Day, it’s time to give something back on Sunday, as is the tradition here. It’s probably a bit too young to be called a “tradition”. White Day began only 43 years ago, in 1978, so it isn’t an ancient tradition going back hundreds of years like Valentine’s Day. It’s become a well-known custom now, so all the boys will have to remember who they got chocolate from last month.

I noticed some of my students suffering from hay fever recently. Now that it’s spring, trees are releasing huge amounts of pollen into the air, and people are suffering from itchy eyes and a runny nose. I saw some people with special glasses that create a seal around the eyes to help. At this time of year hay fever sufferers would wear a mask, but we all wear masks now anyway. But why is it so much more common here than in other countries? Hay fever was uncommon in Japan until the early 1960s. Shortly after World War II, the government planted large forests of cedar and Japanese cypress trees, which were an important resource for the construction industry. As these trees matured, they started to produce large amounts of pollen. Peak production of pollen occurs in trees of 30 years and older. As the Japanese economy developed in the 1970s and 1980s, cheaper imported building materials decreased the demand for cedar and Japanese cypress materials. So now we have many unused forests of these trees, which give off huge amounts of pollen. However, don’t worry if you suffer from hay fever. There are plenty of good treatments available now. So enjoy the spring as much as you can.






花粉症は、1960年代初頭まで日本では珍しいものでした。第二次世界大戦直後、政府は建設業界にとって重要な資源である杉とヒノキを広大な土地に植林りました。これらの木が成長するにつれて、大量の花粉を生成し始めました。花粉のピーク生産は30歳以上の木で発生します。 1970年代と1980年代に日本経済が発展するにつれ、輸入建材の価格が下がったため、杉やヒノキの需要が減少しました。今、私たちは多くの未使用の森を持っており、それらが大量の花粉を放ちます。でも花粉症に悩まされても心配はいりません。利用できる治療法はたくさんあります。春をできるだけ楽しんでくださいガーベラ桜





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