Shut Down or Open Doors?


Hello everyone,

Now that it’s mid-May, it feels like summer is here. It was almost 30 degrees last Sunday! While it would be nice to go out in the warm weather, most people are staying in due to the corona virus. Parks have their car parks closed, so people can only walk there. That makes people go only to their local parks for a walk. It’s nice to get out for a bit of exercise, but we should stay local. I think it’s a good idea for people to stay in their local areas for now. Some schools are starting back this week. Many of them will take a staggered approach, where students will come every second day. This will mean there are less people in one place, and will hopefully create a safer environment for students. There is a lot of debate about whether to open or close places where people come together.


In Europe, some countries are partially re-opening more workplaces and services to the public. In Ireland, schools will stay closed until September! That’s because the summer holiday runs from June to August. So after May, there wouldn’t be any school. My brother’s sons are getting through the long holiday by doing schoolwork at home, as are most other Irish children. Ireland is still in total shutdown, apart from supermarkets. It will be some time before anything else opens again. A lot people are working from home because of this. Many people have gotten used to working from home and would like to stay that way after the crisis is over. Technology has come so far that people can have meetings and control their work from a computer. This crisis pushed people to see if it works, and it does for some. It has advantages, such as no commute to work, and disadvantages, such as less social workplaces. I will be interesting to see how many people work from home after the corona virus crisis is over.
















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