
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,


The weather is changing this week and it feels much milder in the evenings now. It won’t be long until it starts warming up! I enjoy spring the most out of all seasons in Japan. It’s warm, but we don’t have the heavy humidity of summer to worry about. Some people dislike spring because it is a common time for hay fever. It is a common ailment here, because of the large amount of cedar trees, which are important for the construction industry. We see many people wear masks, and sometimes special glasses to protect their eyes. I had never seen anyone wear a mask before I came to Japan. I was surprised at first, but we see them every day so I became used to it. I still can’t comfortably wear one, however, because my glasses steam up! Fortunately for me, I don’t really suffer from hay fever, so I can make the most of the warm weather without a mask.


Many of our students will begin Junior High School or High School in April. They are already studying hard in preparation for entrance exams. It’s a nerve-wracking time during exam season. There is a lot of pressure on students to do well every year. They have a busy life, juggling school with their club and extra-curricular activities. There isn’t much free time left after all the studying. But they should look forward to the spring vacation, when they get a well-earned break. Good luck to all of our students, I hope you get the results you want and deserve!


















富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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