
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re keeping warm during this cold weather. It’s the height of winter now, and sometimes it drops below freezing at night!
This Saturday is the Chinese New Year. It’s going to be the year of the rooster. According to this tradition, I am a rooster, having been born during the year of the rooster. People take the animal from their birth year and can have traits associated with that animal. For example roosters are said to be very honest. I have read that they are well suited to becoming teachers. Each animal also works well or poorly with the other animals. So roosters work well with rats, but not with rabbits. It’s all very confusing. There is a similar kind of mythology that people in Ireland use. Everyone has a horoscope sign depending on what date they were born. I’m an Aries. It’s similar to the Chinese zodiac in that it is supposed to influence people’s characters and fortunes. People can read about their future in newspapers and magazines. I don’t believe in any of that, but it’s still very popular around the world. It’s impossible to tell the future, so make your own. Work hard and good luck will come to you. I think our student’s work hard enough to become good English speakers.
Next week the Hario Spring Campaign gets underway! New students can get four free trial lessons to see what the Hario experience is all about. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn English in a fun and effective way. Come on over and try it out!
今週の土曜日、中国では新年を迎えます。今年は酉年ですが、私は酉年生まれです鳥生まれ年の干支からその動物にまつわる特徴を見たりしますよね。例えば酉はとても正直だと言われています。なので酉年の人は教師に向いているという風に書かれている本を読んだ事がありますニヤリそれぞれの動物にも合う、合わないがあります。なので酉はねずみとは相性がいいですが、兎とは相性が悪いです。干支と同じような話がアイルランドにもあります。人は皆、誕生日に基づいた星座がります。私は牡羊座ですおひつじ座人々の性格や運に影響するという点では、これは中国の十二支と似ています。雑誌や新聞でも運勢を調べる事ができますよね。私はその運勢は全く信じませんが、世界ではまだまだ人気なんです。未来を言い当てる事は不可能ですから自分で切り開いていくしかないんです。頑張っていれば、いずれ幸運があなたのところにやってきますウインクHARIOの生徒さんは一生懸命英語の勉強をしていますから、これを続けていけば必ず英語が上手に話せるようになると思いますよ爆  笑






富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

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