
カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

 How are you doing? Wrap up warm because it’s really cold at the moment. This weekend is the first round of Eiken tests for the year. Good luck to the many Hario students taking them. I know you’ve been studying hard for them so relax and try your best.

 Today marks the inauguration of President Trump. It’s a historic day, and his speech will be happening late at night Japanese time. I’m not sure if I’ll stay up to watch it but I’m interested as to what kind of president he’ll be like, as the USA has a big impact on the rest of the world.

  President Obama and Trump have very different speaking styles and it’s interesting to me, as translating and editing speeches comes up in my job quite a lot. I think you can learn a lot of English from watching the two speak. Obama uses repitition and the ‘rule of 3’ a lot and pauses and slows down for emphasis. His speaking style is usually optimistic and aims to inspire. Trump on the other hand, rallies against perceived injustice a lot, is more improvised and big on self promotion. They both have their catchphrases. Trump has, ‘Build the Wall!’ and ‘Drain the Swamp!. Trump likes audience participation in his speeches. When he talks about his plan to build a wall on the border with Mexico, he always asks the crowd, ‘Who’s going to pay for it?’ and gets cries of ‘Mexico’. Whether or not it’s a good or realistic policy, this style made for effective theatre and campaigning. Obama’s rallying cry was, ‘Yes, we can.’ Obama gave his final big speech last week talking about his eight years as president. He finished it by saying, ‘Yes, we can. Yes, we did. Yes, we can.’ It was not only a clever use of the rule of the 3, but summed up in 9 words the past, present and future of his optimistic vision of America. In last years speech contest, there were speeches of both styles, optimistic inspiring ones and a few rallies against some injustice. Either way, they were most effective when there was real emotion put into the words.

What do you think of President Trump? Have a good week and thanks for reading,








一方で自身の不正などをからかったり、即興のスタイルがトランプ氏です。彼らは2人とも自身のキャッチフレーズを持っています。トランプ氏は”Build the wall”(壁を作る)や”Drain the swamp”(ヘドロを取り除く)などがあります。トランプ氏は彼のスピーチに聴衆を参加させるのことが好きです。彼がメキシコとの国境に壁を作るということを話した時、聴衆にたびたび”この壁をつくるのにお金を出すのはだれだ?”と問いかけていました。いい悪いは別にして、この方法はとてもスピーチとして効率的だと思います。

一方でオバマさんは有名な”Yes, we can”(私たちはできる)です。先日彼は、8年間の大統領について最後の演説を先週行いました。その演説の最後は”Yes,we can, Yes, we did, Yes, we can”(私達はできる、私達はやった、私達はできる)という言葉で終えました。3ポイントルールをうまく使っただけでなく、彼のアメリカのビジョンを過去、現在、未来の9語に集約しました。昨年のスピーチコンテストでは、この2つのスタイルのスピーチが見られました。どちらも、スピーチとして効果的だと思います。









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