Hello everyone,

How are you doing? It’s very hot out there so please take care and drink plenty of water. Some of our students took interview tests for the Eiken test and got their results this week. Congratulations to the many students who passed. A few students didn’t pass this time but they can try again later in the year. Never mind. Keep going! You can do it. It’s a 3 day weekend because Monday is the Marine Day national holiday. Do you have anything planned? I’m thinking of going to see the new Pixar movie Inside head at the cinema.

We are now taking reservations for summer one-on-one English conversation classes during the day or some evenings with Alan and I. They are open to Hario students as well as family. A 30 minute class is 2000 yen (compared with 3750 yen usually) and we will tailor the lesson contents to what you want to study. Maybe you want to review your weak points, learn some travel English or take a level test and get feedback for future study. It’s up to you. If you’re interested please let us know. Places are booking up fast.

Thanks for reading,








只今HARIOイングリッシュスクール では、夏休み期間中の特別プライベートレッスンの受付中です!!対象となるのは、HARIOの生徒さん達はもちろんのこと、HARIO生のご家族の方々も受講頂けます。30分の1対1のレッスンが2000円で受講できる(通常は3750円)大変お得なレッスンとなっており、レッスン内容も皆様の学習したい内容に沿って行うことができます目苦手項目の克服や、旅行英語、現在のレベルチェックなどいろいろあるかと思います。もし受講をお考えであれば、予約が一杯になるまえにお早目にお知らせ下さいニコニコ(お電話のご連絡でも結構です。)







富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

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