One Direction ワンダイレクション

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

How’s life? March is already here. The weather’s getting nicer, isn’t it? I’d like to give my weekly reminder about events here at Hario: the spring campaign, the English camp and special spring vacation classes. Many people have signed up for the camp already. It’s going to be great fun!

Last weekend was my wedding anniversary. We celebrated by going to Saitama Super Arena to see One Direction. As most readers will probably know, One Direction are a boy band from the UK and Ireland. My wife’s a big fan. I like their songs, too. They’re probably the biggest music act in the world at the moment. They sold out 6 stadium concerts in Japan. A couple of Hario students also went to the show. Being from the UK and with an Irish mother, it was nice for me to see so many UK and Irish flags on banners, t-shirts, face paint and so-on at the show. Before the show, I saw people using selfie sticks. It was the first time I’d ever seen a selfie-stick in real life. I’ve heard of this phenomenon but to see someone use one was funny. The gig was very good. The boys were slick, sang well and talked enthusiastically to the crowd. The audience was mostly teenage girls, as I expected, but there were lots of families, couples (like my wife and me), and boys as well. The crowd of 35,000 was loud and impressive. We had a great time. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a large concert. Are you a 1D fan? Do you like going to concerts?

Thanks for reading and have a great week,

















富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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