How was your Obon Vacation?


Hello everyone,

Did you enjoy the holiday for Obon last week? I’ve been asking our students what they got up to, and most of them stayed home to do their summer vacation homework. Usually during Obon, it’s too hot to do much outside, and that was true for the first half of the vacation last week. On Tuesday I went to Makaino Farm with my daughter. We usually stay for a few hours when we go there, but last Tuesday was ridiculously hot, so we gave up after about an hour. Luckily there was a big water sprinkler that sprayed water into the air. It felt like cool rain and was a very refreshing way to cool down. Later in the week, after the heat died down, it became too rainy to do anything outside. It was, and still is, unusually cool for autumn. There was heavy rain all across Japan over the weekend. We are lucky that Fuji didn’t experience any floods like other parts of the country. Otherwise, I had a nice relaxing holiday, and helped my daughter with her summer homework. She is in the first grade, so this is the first time to do any vacation homework. It’s unusual for me, because in Ireland we never got any holiday homework. Summer, winter, spring etc. All of our vacations were totally free of any extra schoolwork. Of course, in the final years of high school we are expected to study, but in my younger years we just played outside all day. I think that makes it more difficult to get back in to the routine of studying when we go back to school. What do you think? Should students get homework for every vacation? Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday!














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