How many seasons are there?


Hello everyone,

We’ve been having extra classes in preparation for the upcoming Eiken tests this month. It’s really great to see the motivation our students have to work so hard to pass their test. They have been putting in extra study at weekends and evenings to improve their chances, so I hope they get the score they deserve. Good luck everyone!

I can’t believe it’s almost June already. We have done the annual “koromogae” at home. So all of the winter clothes are stored away, and the summer clothes and thin blankets are ready. This was a strange custom to me at first. We never have to change our wardrobe in Ireland, because it’s always cold. People ask me if we have four seasons in Ireland. I used to think so until I came to Japan. There are five very different seasons here, but some people say there are 24 seasons in Japan! In Ireland it only varies between cold in winter, and cool in summer. So I guess we have only two seasons in Ireland. In Japan, however, the seasons are more noticeable. The rainy season is coming soon, and it will be cloudy and humid, with showers almost every day. I think August is a season of its own here. It’s incredibly hot and humid every day. I can barely go outside! I enjoy the spring and autumn weather here the most. Winter has its good points too, sunny, clear skies and a great view of Mount Fuji. Enjoy all of the seasons Japan has to offer!




もうすぐ6月ですね、信じられないです。毎年恒例の「衣替え」を自宅で行っています。冬用の服はすべてしまわれて、夏用の服と薄い毛布の準備が整いました。最初は衣替えが奇妙な習慣に感じました。アイルランドはいつも寒いので、ワードローブを変える必要はありません。よく、アイルランドには四季があるかと聞かれます。日本に来るまではそう思っていました。日本には5つの季節がありますが、24の季節があると言う人もいます!アイルランドでは、冬の寒さと夏の涼しさの間でのみ変化します。つまり、アイルランドには2つの季節しかないと思います。日本では梅雨が梅雨が近づいており、曇りで湿度が高く、ほぼ毎日にわか雨が降ります。 8月は日本独特の季節だと思います。毎日、信じられないほど蒸し暑いガーンです。外にでることができません!私は春と秋の天気が好きですラブ。冬も良いところがあり、晴れて晴天で富士山富士山の絶景が楽しめます。皆さん、すべての季節を楽しんでいきましょう。







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