How long was your summer vacation?


Hello everyone,

It’s September, which is back to school time for students in both Japan and Ireland now that the summer vacation is over. Many of our students have been back to school for a while now because of the shortened vacation. In Ireland, however, they have been on vacation for 6 months! Yesterday, September 1st, was a big day for all students as they finally went back to school after the COVID 19 shutdown. My brother’s two sons were excited to go back and see their friends again. Many parents are still worried if opening the schools will worsen the spread of the virus. But they know that school is important, so we will have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully the precautions put in place, such as masks, hand wash, social distancing, etc. will help. Recently in Ireland, the number of corona virus cases has risen, but the number of deaths has decreased. This is because younger people are catching the virus. Previously, older people caught the virus and they are at risk of dying. Now, younger people who catch it don’t have as much chance of death, but they have a greater chance of spreading the virus. They go outside, or go to work, spreading the virus among others. This is why masks and other precautions are important in workplaces. Hopefully we can see a decrease in the coming months.

Here at Hario, we feel safe by taking as many precautions as possible. We don’t cut corners when it comes to safety. Our staff and students can enjoy a safe environment in these difficult times. I was asking my students how they feel after school now that the vacation is over. You can probably guess the number one answer: “I’m tired!”. It feels like long day after any vacation whether it was two weeks or six months. Have fun back at school everyone.













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