Delicious Holiday Food!


Hello everyone,

The winter vacation is almost here! What are you going to do? Japan’s government has cancelled the go to travel campaign, so people won’t be travelling as much. But I’m sure many people will visit their relatives over the holiday. Just as Christmas is the time for family to get together in Ireland, New Year’s is the same in Japan. There are many more similar customs when you compare Christmas with the New Year. We send cards to many people we know (often people we haven’t seen in years!), we eat special food, kids receive presents (for the New Year, they get money or “otoshidama”), and families spend time together, usually watching TV. In Ireland we would watch family movies on TV on Christmas Day, whereas in Japan, most people watch Kohaku. Kohaku is a big live music concert featuring all of Japans most popular singers of the year. They are part of either a red team or white team, and viewers can vote for the winning team at the end of the night. This show has become the traditional thing to watch with family as we count down to the New Year. In Japan we have special food for both Christmas and New Year. What are you going to eat next week on Christmas Eve? I was shocked to hear that fried chicken is the most popular food on that day! Before coming to Japan, I had never heard of anyone eating fried chicken for Christmas. In Ireland, we have turkey and ham on Christmas day. The turkey has onion and sage stuffing in it, and it’s served with roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts and gravy. Both Ireland and Japan can agree on eating lots of Christmas cake. I also eat a selection box every Christmas. It’s a box of various popular chocolate bars. My parents have given me one every year since I was little. Even now, they send boxes here to us in Japan. I also enjoy traditional Japanese New Year food, such as “toshi koshi” soba, osechi, and sushi. What food are you most looking forward to during the vacation?

See you next year, enjoy the winter vacation. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




もうすぐ冬休みです。予定はたてましたか!?政府はGo to トラベルを一時停止したので、皆が旅行にいかなくなるでしょう。



それではまた来年お会いしましょう。Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!サンタ鏡餅









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