The importance of English phrases

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

Did it snow where you are yesterday. I saw on the news that there was lots of snow all over the country recently. Fuji didn’t get any last night, despite the weather reports that we might. It hardly ever snows here on the coast. But if you go a bit north to higher ground you’ll find lots of snow. People can go skiing all winter on courses closer to Mount Fuji. I’ve never been skiing myself but I’d like to try it sometime. I’m not good with the cold, however. You might think that being from Ireland that I’m used to the cold, but the truth is I shiver like crazy in the winter. I can’t wait until the weather gets warmer, roll on spring!

Our students took the Eiken tests last weekend. They all worked hard for the test recently and I hope they are happy with the results. In the higher grades of Eiken tests you will find a lot of English phrases and idioms that don’t neccesarily translate directly into Japanese. The students need to learn these and their meanings aren’t always obvious. For example, “break a leg” is what people say when they are wishing you good luck. We saw that phrase in class last week and my students thought it was a funny way to say good luck! There are so many idioms in English that I won’t hold back from using them as often as I can in class. Teachers shouldn’t be afraid of using natural, everyday phrases, because that’s “real English”.

I’d like to welcome our newest teacher to the Hario team. Matt has joined us last week and our students are having fun meeting and getting to know him. Welcome Matt, I’m looking forward to working with you!

Thanks for reading.




先週末は、英検がありました。これまでHARIOの受験生は一生懸命準備をしてきました。皆さんの結果が実ることを願います。高いレベルになると、たくさんの英語のフレーズやイディオムがでてきます。それらは時に、日本語に直訳できないものもあります。例えば、”break a leg”は、健闘を祈るよ。という意味です。先週、クラスでこのイディオムを紹介しました。このイディオムは直訳すると、「骨を折る」という意味なので、生徒達は、全然違う意味を想像していました。










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