

Hello everyone!

I hope you are staying nice and dry during our second rainy season! Rain rain go away, come again another day! Annoyingly a lot of the rain has been coming during the weekends, but with Covid-19 we’ve all gotten used to doing things at home anyway.


One thing to do at home is watching TV and movies. This is something that I’ve always loved, especially movies. Movie Night at our house is a special time. Turn the lights off, put away the phones, grab some snacks and enjoy the movie experience (even if the movie ends up being not so good).


Though there have been a few times where something odd has happened. I have a younger sister in Canada who also enjoys watching movies. She doesn’t have exactly the same taste as I do but there are movies which we both enjoy. The last movie we watched at home was called The Big Lebowski. A kind of strange character comedy movie with some thoughtful laughs. I really enjoyed that movie! Just a few hours after we finished watching it my sister on the other side of the world started watching it too! We hadn’t discussed the movie previously but she felt like watching it. What a coincidence! This has happened quite a few times over our lives.


Have you ever had a Siblink (Sibling Link) moment with your brother, sister or a friend? Did you ever start humming the same song or think of the same memory? Let me know!


– Matt




梅雨の季節、お家での生活を楽しんでいますか。先週末はものすごく雨が降りました傘。でもコロナによるステイホーム生活に慣れているので影響がないですね。家でやることの一つがテレビや映画を見ることです。私は特に、映画を見るのがだいすきです。私の家ではMovie nightという時間があります。この時間は、電気を消し、電話の電源を落とし、スナックを手に持ち、映画をとことん楽しみます。


映画に関して、何度か奇妙なことがありました。私には、カナダに住んでいる妹がいます。彼女も映画を見るのがだいすきです。彼女とは、映画の趣味は同じではありませんが、いくつか互いに気に入った映画があります。前回私が見た映画は”The Big Lebowski”という作品で、コメディー映画です。私はこの映画がすごく気に入りました。数時間後に映画を見終わったころ、地球の反対側にいる妹もその映画をみていたのです。もちろん事前に互いが映画をみることも知らなかったのにです。なんて偶然でしょうびっくり。こんな出来事が何回かあったのです。

みなさんは、Sibling Linkを兄弟や友人から感じたことはありますか!?









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