Enjoy the Spring Vacation!


Last week we celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day and everyone had great fun. Thanks to our students for wearing green, I hope they had fun playing our Paddy’s Day game and learning about Ireland. There were parades all over the world on Sunday, including Tokyo. I didn’t go this year, but my sister-in-law sent me a photo from Harajuku, showing the Irish and Japanese flags side by side all along the street. I had great fun there last year and hope to visit the Tokyo parade again in future. I was surprised by how many Irish people were in Tokyo at the time. There are only two Irish people in Fuji City, so I feel like we are a rare nationality here. Every year on St. Patrick’s Day Ireland’s prime minister visits the white house in the U.S.A. It started in 1952 when Ambassador John Hearne sent President Truman a gift of shamrocks , leading to an invite for President Sean T. O’Kelly to visit the White House in 1959. Since then Irish leaders have travelled to the white house every year to give shamrocks to the U.S. president. They turn the water fountain in the garden green for the day. You can see the various presidents over the years in the photo.

This week many of our student’s begin their spring vacation. They will begin the new school year next month. In Ireland the new school year is after the summer vacation, in August or September. Some of our student will begin at a new elementary, junior high, or high school. They are always nervous about starting at a new school, and it takes time to settle in to the new routine. I remember when I began secondary school in Ireland. Secondary school lasts six years, from age 12 to 18. It’s like junior high and high school combined. I was the only student from my elementary school to get in, because it was very popular. I didn’t know anyone when I started and that was nerve-wracking. I soon made some good friends whom I’m still friends with today. Good luck to all of our students, I hope you enjoy the spring vacation and have a happy life at your new school.














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