Ireland アイルランド

カテゴリー:English Diary

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day everyone!

We will be celebrating at Hario by wearing green and giving green candy to our students. You can read more about it at Alan’s post from yesterday. Also, Alan made a video which you can see on our Facebook page. Please check it out. Regular readers will know that Alan is Irish. You may not know that I’m half Irish too. I’m from the UK and grew up there but my mother and her half of the family are all Irish. I visited there often growing up to see relatives, go to weddings and have holidays. Ireland is a really lovely country and I recommend it to you all as somewhere to visit. If you ever go there, you’ll see why the national colour is green. The countryside is beautiful and very green. When I took my wife to Ireland to meet my family there, she came to love the traditional Irish breakfast. An Irish breakfast is fried eggs, sausages, bacon, fried mushrooms, fried tomatoes, baked beans, black pudding, white pudding, and a cup of tea. Japanese readers may not be familiar with black pudding, white pudding and baked beans. Black and white pudding are not sweet, despite the name pudding. They are basically sausages, but black pudding also contains blood. It’s a lot nicer than it sounds. Baked beans are like the cup noodle of British/Irish cuisine. They are easy to cook – you just heat them in a pan – and you can eat them with anything – meat, bread, fried potatoes are common – so they are the lazy food of choice for university students and people who can’t cook. They are delicious and healthy so I encourage you to try them.

Have a great week. Thanks for reading.





セントパトリックスデーおめでとうございます。HARIO では皆緑のものを身に着けてもらい、緑のお菓子を配っています。セントパトリックスデーについては昨日のアラン先生の記事を読んでみて下さい。また、アラン先生は私たちのフェイスブックでみれる動画を作っていましたのでそちらもご覧くださいひらめき電球









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