
Hello everyone,

How are you today? Yesterday was a national holiday. Did you have a day off? Did you do anything? I mostly relaxed at home but I also went for a long run. I’ve entered the Nihondaira Sakura marathon which is in April so I have to get ready for that. I hope you did something nice. It was Mrs Harimoto’s 1 year wedding anniversary yesterday. Congratulations to her and her husband.


On our website, on this blog and in our spring campaign materials we talk about the PLS System a lot. I’d like to explain a bit about it. The PLS System is a system of teaching English to children starting at the last year of kindergarten (K3) and all the way through elementary school. It was created over 40 years ago at Pacific Language School in Tokyo (hence the name PLS) by Ray and Masumi Ormandy. It has proved to be very popular with students and parents alike. It’s well respected by teachers and now is used in many schools like ours across Japan. We have been using it for more than 20 years here at Hario (and before that Pioneer Langauge School) and we’re the only school in Fuji City using this teaching system.


PLS System lessons are different to other curricula. The lessons are very high paced and varied. The overriding aim is to get our students to communicate in real, natural English. A typical lesson will have ten different teaching activities. Students will study lots of different language areas in one lesson. Over weeks and months, the same activities are repeated and the students gradually learn and make progress in each area. This drip feed approach is really effective. Each lesson is lively and uses many games to teach the English. The PLS approach is to be strict about pronunciation and behaviour. We set high standards for both right from the start. The lessons are complemented by the PLS homework sets. There are hand-crafted homework sets for all 7 years of the program that take students from learning the ABCs to full dialogue practice and cover the range of reading, writing, speaking and listening. From the second year, our PLS students take part in an annual speech contest. It’s amazing to see how quickly students improve in English and build confidence.


The PLS System is 40 years old but always being updated and improved. Last year saw its biggest ever update and we’ve changed to the new system since the end of last year. I’ve been teaching these lessons for 4 years now and I really like this way of teaching. Sachiyo called it ‘PLS Magic’ in her blog last Friday.

Thanks for reading. It was a long post today!
Have a great week,









富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


MAIL) info@hario-english.jp

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