Enjoy the Summer Vacation!


Hello everyone,

We’re having extremely hot weather this week. Even Hokkaido is up to 35 degrees, so it’s all across the country. I heard the first cicadas of the year last week in the park near my house. There were only a few last Thursday. However, this morning their numbers had grown and they were deafening! Their sound reminds us that the rainy season is over, and we are at the hottest time of the year.

This week marks the beginning of the summer vacation for many of our students. The special 4 day weekend marking the beginning of the Olympics will kick off the vacation. Some students will have school next week too, but their vacation is coming soon. This year, like last year, isn’t a good time to travel, so many of them will stay home for the holiday. Junior high and high school students are kept busy with their club and summer homework. The elementary school students, however, don’t have as much to do. They get some homework, but it isn’t much, so I hope they don’t get too bored. If they like sports, this is a great time to get into the Olympics. The opening ceremony is just two days away. Some of our younger students have never seen the Olympic opening, so I’ve been recommending watching it on TV. It’s always a great spectacle. For the next two weeks, it’s non-stop sports. With over 300 Japanese athletes competing it’s a great time for our students to support their country. Enjoy the holidays!








そして、週末はオリンピックの始まりを記念する特別な4連休です。今年は去年と同じように旅行に出かけるのは難しいので、生徒たちの多くがステイホームの予定です。中学生と高校生は部活や宿題で忙しくしています。しかし、小学生はそれほどすることはありません。彼らの宿題はそれほど多くはないので、夏休みに退屈しないといいですね。スポーツが好きなら、オリンピック観戦がいいですね!!。開会式まで、わずか2日です。ちびっこ達は、まだオリンピック開会式を見たことがないでしょうから、テレビで見ることをお勧めします。素晴らしい光景だと思います。これからの2週間は、スポーツ三昧です。 300人以上の日本人アスリートが母国を代表して競い合います。これは生徒たちが彼らを観戦しサポートする絶好の機会です。それでは休日をお楽しみください!!








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