Hello everyone,
I hope you had a nice holiday last Wednesday for the “vernal equinox”. This event happens all over the world and marks the time of the year when everywhere has exactly 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. In Japan the difference in sunlight between summer and winter is only about 2 hours. The sun sets at about 5:30pm in December and 7:30pm in June. Ireland is much further north so the sun sets at 4pm in December and 9:30pm in June. People can feel very down when there is hardly any sunlight all day. I found winter in Japan to put me in a totally different mood. However, last Wednesday we reached the halfway point between winter and summer, so both countries had about the same length day. While the equinox is a global phenomenon, it isn’t a public holiday everywhere. I guess Japan made it a holiday because it’s still a long way from Golden week and we can’t wait that long! Now that all the students are on their spring vacation, it doesn’t mean they will stop studying altogether. All students in Japan get homework to do during every vacation. Even if you are starting at a new school in April, they will still give you homework to do! This is totally different to Ireland, where we never got homework for vacations. While it meant that I could enjoy the holidays without worrying about homework, I wonder if it made it more difficult to study when we returned to school. We lost our daily routine, and it was hard to get back into student mode. Do you think students should always get homework for their holidays?
Enjoy the rest of the spring vacation.
春分は世界中でおこり、一年のうちどこでも昼と夜がちょうど 12 時間になる時期を表します。
日本では夏と冬の日照差はわずか2時間程度です。日没は 12 月は午後 5 時半頃、6 月は午後 7 時半頃です。
アイルランドはさらに北にあるため、日没は 12 月は午後 4 時、6 月は午後 9 時半になります。
日本の冬は、私をまったく違う気分にしてくれます。 しかし、先週の水曜日には冬と夏の中間点に達したため、両国の一日の長さはほぼ同じになりました。春分は世界的な現象ですが、他の国々では祝日というわけではありません。
4月から新しい学校に入学する場合でも、宿題は与えられます。これは、休暇の宿題がまったくなかったアイルランドとはまったく異なります。私は宿題のことを気にせずに休暇を楽しむことができましたが、学校に戻ったときに勉強するのがさらに難しくなったのではないかと思います。日常生活のリズムが失われ、なかなか学生モードに戻ることができませんでした。 みなさんは、学生は休日には必ず宿題をするべきだと思いますか
富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~21:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場20台完備
URL) https://www.hario-english.jp
MAIL) info@hario-english.jp