Hello everyone,
Last Sunday was Easter Sunday, so everyone in Ireland ate chocolate eggs. That custom isn’t popular here in Japan, but if you look around, you can find some easter eggs in Fuji. I have seen some a few years ago in Kaldi in Aeon. It’s funny that they are difficult to find here because it’s a bit like an easter egg hunt! That’s an easter custom that involves hiding chocolate eggs for kids to search for. There is a character called the Easter Bunny who hides lots of eggs for people to look for. While easter eggs have been eaten as a Christian tradition for hundreds of years, there is another, more recent, meaning to the term. Easter egg can also refer to a message, image, or feature hidden in software, a video game, a film, and so on. This kind of easter egg began in the 1980s and first occurred in Atari video games, where players could find hidden messages in a game if they looked around. This grew in popularity and these days there are many easter eggs included in almost every form of media. The name refers to an easter egg hunt, because you have to look around carefully to find them. For example, Seinfeld, a popular American comedy in the 80s and 90s had a total of 180 episodes. People said that there was a superman figure hidden in the background in every episode. So, people watched carefully to try and find him. It turned out to be a false rumour, however, Superman can be found in the background of every episode after season 5.
It’s April now and spring at last. The warm weather arrived suddenly last Friday and it really feels like spring now. I’m looking forward to Cherry Blossom which should start blooming soon. Are you going on a hanami picnic this year?
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