Helping out at the Crosswalk


Hello everyone,

It’s June already, and the rainy season will begin soon. It’s been nice and sunny for the past few days, so we’ll make the most of the clear weather before it becomes cloudy. June has the longest day of the year on 21st. I noticed, however, in Japan that day is usually so cloudy that it feels dark! In Ireland the longest day is more noticeable because it doesn’t get dark until 9:30PM. It feels strange to walk outside in daylight at 9PM. Ireland doesn’t have a rainy season, it can rain at any time. Every year there are different results for the rainiest time of the year, but it’s usually December. Unlike Japan, Irish winter is cloudy and wet. On the other hand, June is one of the driest months in Ireland. So we have opposite times for the rain in both countries!

This morning was my turn to be a lollipop man. What’s that? In Ireland, it’s the name of a person who helps schoolchildren to cross the street. He steps out in front of cars so they can cross safely. In Japan, the parents take turns to do that job. So this morning I went out at 7AM in a high-vis jacket with a flag and helped out at a crosswalk near my daughter’s school. It was already hot, even at 7AM, but thankfully I only had to stay there for about 30 minutes. Hardly anyone used that crosswalk because it isn’t very close to the school. Still it was fun to help out in the morning.



6 月は 21 日が 1 年で最も日が長くなります。ところが、日本はいつも曇っていて暗く感じる日が多いことに気づきました!

アイルランドでは、午後 9 時 30 分まで暗くならないため、最も長い日がよりはっきりわかります。

昼間の午後 9 時に外を歩くのは奇妙に感じます。

アイルランドには雨季がなく、いつでも雨が降ります。毎年、その年の最も雨の多い時期は異なりますが、通常は 12 月です。

日本とは違い、アイルランドの冬は曇りで湿っています。一方、6 月はアイルランドは最も乾燥した月の 1 つです。













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