Valentine’s and White Days

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

Did you get any chocolates last Wednesday? It was Valentine’s Day, and there are a few differences between Japan and the rest of the World. Here, the boys and men get chocolates from girls and women, whereas in other countries usually men give a card or gifts to their partner. They usually only give something to one romantic partner, but here in Japan everyone gives and receives chocolate, so it’s not a romantic gesture. Girls often give their friends “tomodachi choco” because they don’t want the other girls to be without chocolate on this day. Some of our male students received over 20 chocolate gifts at school! It’s not all good news, however. This means that the boys have to give the girls chocolate on March 14th. White Day was created by confectionary companies in Japan to make money. They tell people to pay back their gift with even more chocolate then they received on Valentine’s Day. So the boys who did well on February 14th will have to remember everyone who gave them something and pay back the favour in March. Don’t forget who gave you chocolate, or you’re in big trouble! White Day only exists in Japan and some other Asian countries, such as South Korea, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. It was first celebrated in 1978 in Japan and was started by the National Confectionery Industry Association. In 1977, a Fukuoka-based confectionery company, Ishimuramanseido, marketed to men on March 14th, calling it Marshmallow Day. White Day was born, and it goes well with the “gift giving” culture of Japan. I’ve had a great week of eating lots of yummy chocolate. Big thanks to the students at Hario who gave me sweets, they were delicious!

Here at Hario our Spring Campaign is under way! Anyone who is thinking of joining can come on over and enjoy four trial lessons for free. We offer so much more than just English too. Classroom etiquette, social skills, international culture, and of course the big events that make us special, like the Speech Contest, Christmas Party, Hario Camp and more! I’m looking forward to welcoming our new students and helping their English grow.














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