The history of Halloween

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

Halloween week begins tomorrow here at Hario! I hope your costume is ready. In previous years we celebrated Halloween with “trick or treat” and some Halloween surprises in our lessons, but this year it’s even more special. We have created special Halloween themed classes for our elementary and kindergarten students. There’s going to be games, songs, stories and scares. It’s going to be great fun! I can’t wait to see what costumes our students are going to wear. Will they be spooky, funny, or both?


Do you know when or where Halloween originated? The custom is so old that there are different opinions on when it began. It is estimated to have started sometime in the 10th Century, around 1,000 years ago! In Ireland there was a tribe of people called the Celts, who celebrated the harvest at the end of October. They used this time to honour the dead spirits. People dressed up as ghosts and had bonfires during this festival. Over time this custom spread throughout the U.K. and Ireland. In the 16th century, people would dress up and go from house to house singing songs in exchange for food. If they weren’t given anything they threatened the house with bad luck. This is where the phrase “trick or treat” comes from. If you don’t give us a treat, we will play a trick on you. People would hollow out turnips and pumpkins, and carve a face on them to ward off evil spirits. That’s where we get jack o’lanterns from. These days, Halloween is all about dressing up and having fun. Children don’t go “trick or treating” from house to house in Japan yet. But if you come to Hario in a costume this week, give it a try!






皆さんはハロウィンがいつ、どこから来たのか知っていますかコウモリ2。その諸説は色々とありますが、1000年以上前の10世紀ごろといわれています。アイルランドでは、10月の終わりにその年の収穫を祝う「ケルト」と呼ばれる部族がいました。部族の人々は、先祖の霊を敬うために、この時に霊の格好をし、焚火をたきました。時がたち、この習慣がアイルランド全体やイギリスにまで広まりました。16世紀には、人々は仮装をして歌いながら家々を周り、その変わりに食べ物を求めました。もし何もくれなければ悪いことが起こると言われていました。これらが「Trick or Treat」の始まりといわれています。もしお菓子をくれなければ、いたずらしちゃうぞ。

今では、ハロウィンは仮装をして皆で楽しむという習慣になりました。日本では、子供たちが「Trick or Treat」と言って家々を周る習慣はありませんが、もしHARIOにきたら、Treak or Treat!と言いましょうねバイバイ








富士市国久保3-1-10 2F
月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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