Farewell to Kevin さよならケビン

カテゴリー:English Diary

Hello everyone,

We’re approaching the end of the year, so this will be my final blog post of 2017. I’m going to fly to Ireland on Saturday to spend Christmas and the New Year with my family and friends. We had a fantastic Christmas Party last Sunday. It was our biggest ever, with over 70 students in attendance! They all had a wonderful time making a mini-tree, playing games, and of course, meeting Santa! 

It’s been another amazing year for Hario! We’ve had so many great times this year with our special events and the day to day life that makes working here so fun. The end of this year also marks the end of an era for Hario. As you may have heard, Kevin will be leaving us at the end of this month. He has been working here for 7 years now, and will be moving to Omachi, Nagano. We held a party to celebrate Kevin and his career with us last Sunday after the Hario Christmas Party. We had a great time looking back on so many memories for him. Thanks to all of our students who put a message on Kevin’s photo board. It really puts into perspective how many lives he has changed over the years, and how much the students and staff appreciate him. In his 7 years here, Hario has gone from strength to strength and the students and parents always warm to him. When I started working here 5 years ago, I was quite new to teaching. Kevin gave me all of the training and support I needed from day one. He was always there to help me with any issues or questions I had. He put in so much of his own time and energy into making me a better teacher. Not just at the start of my career, but throughout my 5 years here. He is such a selfless and supportive colleague that it makes it very hard to say goodbye at the end of the year. I will miss having my mentor and friend here every day. I can never thank him enough for everything he’s done for me, and everyone at Hario. So I hope Kevin has all of the success he deserves in Nagano. I wish him the best of luck and hope he comes to visit us when he can. Thank you Kevin!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!














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