My Last Speech Contest

カテゴリー:English Diary


Hello everyone,


 It’s been almost a week since the speech contest. Were you there? Well, I thought this year’s event went really well. Thank you to all the students who took part and to the parents and family for your support over the last few months getting prepared for the contest. First of all, our youngest students did a great job with their singing and dancing performance. They sang really loudly and without nerves on the big stage in front of everyone and looked great in their Halloween costumes singing about fruit, lions and rock and roll. The speeches were great too. I think this year was the highest quality ever, even with a record breaking 44 students on the stage giving speeches. There were interesting topics and it was great to get an insight into the lives of our students. As ever, there were videos. The Koi Dance video warmed up the crowd and was fun to watch, and the opening movie was motivating with it’s Rocky music. We introduced the new members of staff; Mike, Nao and Hiromi. I hope you all have a fantastic time working at Hario. Also, there was a surprise video for me. It was very moving and I’d like to thank all the students and teachers who took part in making it. The speech contest is our biggest event of the year, and the way we do it is unique to Hario. I’ll miss these events in the future. Well done to everyone who took part. Please remember days like this in the future.


Thanks and have a good week,
















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月~金 12:30~9:30 祝日)土、日 駐車場15台完備


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